Mission: Promotion of scientific culture
Our team develops diverse educational and cultural activities that aim at bringing the academic world and the public together, so that all may discover the existence of a rich and still poorly known heritage, thus providing easy access to current research and awakening young people’s curiosity. In order to share our motivation and knowledge, multiple actions are presently being led for a better approach and understanding of environmental and societal stakes, along with inspirations and perspectives for the future.Our Missions
knowledge transfer, raise awareness, change behaviorsSCIENCE OUTREACH AND MEDIATION PROJECTS
« Culture Océan » is committed to Ocean Literacy, with projects exclusively dedicated to scientific mediation and aimed at a mainly non-scientific public, especially young people.The Ocean Collection
Two members of the Culture Océan team, Carolyn Scheurle and Hervé Claustre, initiated "The Ocean" Collection in 2019. Since then, together with Sanae Chiba, Emily King and Laura Lorenzoni, they co-edit this Collection of the online magazine Frontiers for Young Minds. The Collection will run throughout the “Ocean Decade” and its broad scope covers numerous ocean-related scientific fields. It provides resources that explain key ideas that are fundamental to understand (core concept) and highlights new research on the cutting edge (new discovery) in Ocean sciences. Published articles are written by scientists for kids and teens aged 8 to 15 years. And, for all articles the review of the manuscript is done by kids/teens with the help of a science mentor...Blue Schools Med
Following the steps of the network established by the EU4Ocean coalition, Blue Schools Mediterranean is an Erasmus+ funded project. Schools from France, Italy, Greece and Malta embark on this journey to develop marine educational activities within the classrooms. These "Blue Challenges" invite students to "Find the blue" and their links with the ocean.adopt a float
This educational programme invites classrooms to adopt an underwater robot and follow it during its scientific journey while understanding the measurements it takes. Thus, school students and teachers benefit from a scientific, cultural and civic approach to the ocean and marine sciences.Plankton Chronicles
The "Plankton Chronicles" combine arts and sciences, revealing the diversity and beauty of marine organisms that drift along with ocean currents.mon océan & moi
mon océan & moi aims to share with all those who have an interest for current oceanographic research topics. A key objective is the development of a better understanding of the Ocean and of its associated challenges in the context of environmental change.
MEDITES (Méditerranée Diffusion des Techniques et des Sciences, 2014-2018, PIA) was a regional structuration and innovation project, promoting the development of technical scientific culture as well as equal opportunities for all. Two courses on ocean-related topics have been developped and proposed to school-children.Science Outreach
connect people, science and educationNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN PROJECTS
For the past ten years and more, the « Culture Océan » team has been involved in scientific projects. The team enjoys working together and is very grateful for all the support received.

REFINE - Robots Explore plankton-driven Fluxes in the marine twIlight zoNE #ERC_REFINE

BIOGEOCHEMICAL-ARGO - An extension of the Argo program to include biogeochemical observations

ANR Iso2MET - ISOtopes of Metal Elements for Tracing marine METabolism

EURO-ARGO RISE - EURO-ARGO Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement

TONGA - shallow hydroThermal sOurces of trace elemeNts potential impacts on the bioloGicAl pump

pH BIOGEOCHEMICAL-ARGO - implementing pH measurements into Biogeochemical-Argo

MOBYDICK - Marine Ecosystem Biodiversity and Dynamics of Carbon around Kerguelen: an integrated view

PEACETIME PROJECT - ProcEss studies at the Air-sEa Interface after dust deposition in the MEditerranean sea

SOCLIM - Southern Ocean And Climate - Field studies with innovative tools

BRIDGES - Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Environmental Services

remOcean - remotely-sensed biogeochemical cycles in the Ocean

GROOM - Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management

SIDERI - Strengthening International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Initiative

OSS2015 - Ocean Strategic Services beyond 2015

EU4Ocean - Coalition for Ocean Literacy

Erasmus+ - Programme pour l'éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport

ERC - European Research Council

Horizon 2020 - FP7 - European Commission

ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche

BNP Paribas Foundation

Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'azur

Département des Alpes-Maritimes

DAAC : Délégation académique à l'éducation artistique et culturelle
Rectorat de l’académie de Nice

CNES - Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Direction de la Communication, Projets éducatifs d’étude de l’environnement

Monaco Explorations - Reconnecting humanity and the sea

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco - Institut Océanographique de Monaco, Fondation Albert 1er

PETITS DÉBROUILLARDS PACA - Aux sciences citoyens!

UCA - Université Côte d’Azur, Cellule Culture Scientifique et Technique

Ocean Literacy
An understanding of the ocean's influence on you and your influence on the oceanOther science outreach activities
Institut de la Mer de Villefranche
The Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV) would like to propose a number of contributions to present the vision and objectives of this decade in an understandable and attractive way during the digital edition of the Fête de la Science. In a context of environmental changes and progressive societal adaptation, the IMEV wishes in particular to illustrate with examples current interdisciplinary research, associated technological developments and links with the ocean - from the lit surface to the darkness of the abyss.Science Festival
Each year, the (national) Science Festival represents a new opportunity for the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche to open the doors of its "Village of Sciences". Several booths, thematic exhibits and hands-on experiments guide the visitors during their discovery of the marine world.
The ASTEP has a specific role as a support for science and technology in primary schools, aiming to develop education based on an investigation approach. The Institut de la Mer de Villefranche wishes to accompany teachers and classes in this commitment.
Knowledge of the sea
Each year, the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche participates in the single-day event "Knowledge of the sea" organized by the Association of the Boatmen and Sailors of Villefranche-sur-Mer for classes of local primary schools.
The Aquaparadox gallery contains images of marine planktonic organisms illustrating the tremendous diversity in plankton in the bay of Villefranche and elsewhere.
The Copepods website
The Copepods website provides information and images about these small crustaceans that are a very abundant part of marine plankton.
Classic Taxonomic Monographs
Classic Taxonomic Monographs provides dozens of downloadable monographs about planktonic micro-organisms. It is a virtual library with a collection of noteworthy historical studies. Most of them comprise classical observations of species that are magnificently illustrated.
The Institut de la Mer de Villefranche is a partner of the e-marin'lab project, that was initiated at the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls. This project aimed at the creation of a virtual and educational marine research station for Bachelor's degree students.
Ocean & Climate
The Ocean and Climate Platform was created to highlight the importance of the ocean among issues and challenges discussed in the context of climate negotiations. Scientists of the l'Institut de la Mer de Villefranche participated actively, i.e. to prepare the 21st United Nations Climate Conference Paris, 25 dec. 2016).
Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
The Institut de la Mer de Villefranche coordinates collaborative interactions with the educational department of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.
Tara Expeditions
Tara organizes expeditions to study and better understand the impact of climate change on our oceans. Several members of the l’Institut de la Mer de Villefranche undertake this initiative with commitment and are very actively involved in educational and cultural operations.
MovinCell - Multi-dimensional marine organism dataviewer. The Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement de Villefranche-sur-Mer/ Institut de la Mer de Villefranche is developing a gallery of images, videos and 3D/4D/5D image series / 4D / 5D in order to highlight the diversity and the beauty of the marine organisms that are studied.
Shadow theatre
At the interface between research and art, the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche has been involved in several activities. In a shadow play theater, for example, school children put on stage the ocean topics they are concerned of. This project was an adaptation of the interactive installation "Species Encounter Dive In !" in which visitors are invited to create and/or animate forms of endangered marine species in a large shadow theater.
66° Sentinels of the Polar Ocean
In the context of global concerns about climate change, our scientific initiative aimed to meet two challenges: 1/ Initiate a network of scientific robots in the Southern Ocean, particularly during extreme winter and under sea-ice conditions and 2/ disseminate and share new knowledge to the general public.
Les sciences en 21 expériences
This booklet of educational activities offers you to approach scientific notions and concepts through hands-on and fun experiences : to share with young and less young explorers!
The Ocean Observers Network
The international Ocean Observers initiative brings together different actors involved in ocean observing outreach and educational activities. It includes scientists, educational authorities and teachers, science communicators, sailing community and other stakeholders (policy-makers, associations, etc.), all willing 1/ to gather and share science-based educational resources and experiences and 2/ to explore possibilities to establish new collaborative partnerships.
Ho Hisse! La trinquette: aborde les sciences
The scientific outreach team of the l’Institut de la Mer de Villefranche, in partnership with the bar-restaurant La Trinquette, proposes science events in the evening.
SOCLIM channel
Discover and explore the SOCLIM Vimeo channel. Find differents videos (ordered by topic) which cover all steps of the SOCLIM scientific project, like: SOCLIM Project #, SOCLIM Mission #, SOCLIM WebTV #, and SOCLIM 66° #. Enjoy, and Share.
Timioche, le petit poisson qui racontait des histoires
This activity kit is based on the book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. For children aged 3 to 7, the kit offers activities to develop imagination and observation skills, expand knowledge of the marine environment and improve verbal language.
European Reserchers Night 2020
In 2020, the Université Côte d'Azur and Côte d'Azur researchers, including those from IMEV, invited the public to take part in this event in an immersive virtual space. Participants were able to talk to researchers from many scientific disciplines and discover their daily lives through anecdotes and confidences.
European Reserchers Night 2021
For the second edition of this event in Nice, the Université Côte d'Azur and Côte d'Azur researchers, including those from IMEV, offered an evening of meetings and exchanges. They took the public on a scientific journey in a festive atmosphere that was perfect to satisfy it’s wanderlust!
Monaco Ocean Week
Since 2017, Monaco Ocean Week has been providing great opportunities for exchange and sharing! Each year, many important initiatives and commitments in favor of the Ocean are highlighted and the Culture Océan team is happy to make a modest contribution.
KURA : Pas de lumière ? Pas de problème !
Exploring the ocean is not without its difficulties, but the scientific community now has better technology than in the past, allowing us to discover new species and better understand the ocean. Dive with Kura, an explorer turtle, into the depths of the ocean, and discover the different pelagic levels, chemosynthesis, photosynthesis, ...
Science & you - LBDV
Among the marine models in biology, discover the favorite organisms of the teams at the Developmental Biology Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer (LBDV) and fascinating images!
MovinDive – Scientific Diving Images. Together with the EMBRC, the Developmental Biology Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer (LBDV)/Institut de la Mer de Villefranche proposes a gallery of images that shows for example oceanographic equipment from a different angle and that zooms on several marine species.
Ocean Twilight Zone
To unravel some of the mysteries of the depths of the Twilight Zone, the ERC REFINE science project deploys profiling floats that observe many properties of the ocean. In parallel, the project team is involved in the design of educational resources and activities for all audiences to allow them to better understand the research on this oceanic zone as well as the Biological Carbon Pump.
Océan 21
For the World Ocean Day, the Raoul Mille library in Nice (France) offers an opportunity to discover the natural and cultural marine heritage. During the "Ocean21" event, the general public and schoolchildren are made aware of current issues. Each year, the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche takes part in the animations and conferences.
Ocean Stories
Travel with oceanographersSTORIES
Follow the Culture Ocean's stories and immerse yourself in the missions of oceanographers through their travel stories.OCEAN STORIES
Travel with oceanographers
In its " Ocean Stories ", Culture Océan invites you to discover the travel stories of oceanographers: embark with them, immerse yourself in their scientific missions and share their daily lives.The first "Ocean Stories" take you to the Southern Hemisphere, to discover the Southern Ocean: read the logbook of a scientist on a mission to the Kerguelen Islands or listen to the adventures of an underwater robot floating in this perilous ocean.
Through these stories, young and old alike can catch a glimpse of "the end of the world".
inform and exchangeCOMMUNICATIONS
L’Institut de la Mer de Villefranche participatesin conferences and workshops to :
present its work and
actions in science-based outreach
exchange in an interdisciplinary way
with the colleagues of other organizations
Impact of Outreach Activities
on targeted audiences, on science careersTraining
Courses on Ocean Literacy and Education
The International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) program includes a specific module that allows students to learn how to reach others to spread marine knowledge.
Outreach training
For the staff and masters/doctoral students, different teaching activities are proposed in order to communicate how to disseminate and interact with non-scientists.
Training courses for school teachers
Proposed by the « Culture Océan » team, these courses join the framework of continuing training and are accompanied by the local educational authority.
A replay of a selection of training courses is available via the mon océan & moi Vimeo channel See videos
is the basis for effective outreachOrganisation & contact
Team "Culture Océan"
The pole "Culture Océan" of the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), Sorbonne Université - CNRS, federates the dissemination and outreach actions of the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV) and the Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement de Villefranche-sur-Mer (Developmental Biology Laboratory, LBDV).

Carolyn Scheurle
"Culture Océan" CoordinatorInstitut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV)

Hervé Claustre
Scientific CoordinatorLaboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/IMEV)

Thomas Boniface
Scientific Outreach OfficerLaboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/IMEV)

Manon Audax
Scientific Outreach OfficerInstitut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV)

Thomas Jessin
WebdesignMultimedia development
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/IMEV)

Théo Sciandra
Scientific Outreach Officerfrom 05/2023 to 12/2023, halftime
Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV)

Quentin Branchereau
Scientific Outreach Officerfrom 11/2017 to 06/2020, halftime
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/IMEV)

Martina Ferraris
Scientific Outreach Officerfrom 02/2014 to 08/2017, halftime
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV/IMEV)

Géraldine Williaume
Doctoral mission of scientific dissemination and mediationfrom 10/2017 to 10/2018, part-time
Sorbonne Université